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  1. Sign up and sell

PLEASE NOTE: Our Private Sale service is available for UK clients only.

Sign up, enter your details, upload a photo ID and start selling. Our selling rates: 25% of the sale price. There are no complicated or hidden costs.

Snap a pic, list it and start selling. You MUST read our Seller's Terms & Conditions before you start selling.

Note: in line with our terms and conditions, we automatically reduce the price of items by 10% after each month if there  is no sale. You will be notified about this and you will be able to keep your items on sale or to remove them from our website.

  1. Item sold and ship

Once an item is sold, you will ship either to our headquarters (if Item Verification is requested) or directly to the buyer, via a tracked and insured  service, such as Royal Mail Special Delivery). Please note: you will be required to cover the cost of shipping.

  1. Get paid

Set your own price. 5 days after delivery of the item, or as soon as the buyer confirms receipt of their order, payment will be released to you, minus our commission fee. Get paid via bank transfer or Paypal depending on the preferences you set upon registering.

  1. Please note:

 As an individual seller, you are not obliged to accept returns, however, we advise you to consider the option to offer returns as it may help to increase sales.

You have the option to choose your return policy within your accounts setting.

Please read our full Terms and Conditions for Sellers